Renée Agatep

absolute space,
accelerated vs. constant velocity motion and,
complete empty space and,
luminiferous aether,
Einstein’s refutation of,
after the bang (ATB), see Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder (PTSD),
Agatep, A Son
accelerated motions, see suddenly
age 2,
birth of, in general, see nothing but
reruns of General Hospital,
Agatep, Daughter
accelerated motions,
see suddenly age 4,
birth of, in general theory of relativity,
algebraic failings, see math not mathing
amplitude of waves, see grief like Alpha
antimatter, see hollow but stifling
antiparticles, see memory
asteroids, see primary
partial (focal) seizures,
atomic bombs, see secondary
generalized seizures,
atoms, see chemical failings
Bekenstein-Hawking entropy
early arguments regarding nothing,
second law of thermodynamics,
string theory, confirmation of,
big bang
the critical density of my universe,
as eruption of space time,
big crunch
black holes, see memory
branes and,
determinism and,
elementary particles and,
event horizons of,

evidence for existence, see ghost planet
of myself,
formation, see miscarriage
gravitational force of,
lost information and,
black holes, continue
mass of, see birth weight
naming of, see Daughter
and new universe formation, see
A Son
radiation emitted by malformed brain
string theory and,
and tearing of spacetime, see the back
of my eyelids,
as time machines, see recollection
bottom, see rock
Calabi-Yau spaces (shapes)
electric charge fractions,
messenger particles, see
mirror symmetry and,
particle families and holes in, see
centrifugal force
COBE (Cosmic Background Explorer), see
coherent state of strings, see incoherent
cosmic background radiations
first observation of, see memory
critical density
curled-up dimensions
curvature of Daughter’s ears, please see
curvature of spacetime,
see spacetime, warping of
dark energy
dark matter
as “aether”, as loss.

Renée Agatep

is an American poet and short story writer. Renee earned her master’s at Northeastern University and attended the Syracuse MFA. Renee is the winner of the 2022 Wolfson Chapbook Prize. Her chapbook, OHIO RADIO, is forthcoming from Wolfson Press (2023). She is also the author of The Iceman’s Purse: A Prompted Creative Writing Journal to Thoroughly Confuse and Ultimately Defeat Your Inner Critic (2023). Her recent work appears in Carousel, Poetry Ireland, and elsewhere.

Instagram: @goingbyrenee
Twitter: @goingbyrenee
Facebook: @goingbyrenee