Marc Isaac Potter

for Henry, John, and Eissen

Why is there a drunk man sitting at the bar?   I knew something only a few minutes ago and now it is gone.

I like Henry of John Berryman’s famous Dream Songs.  My character that is like Henry, who is patterned after Henry, is named Eissen.

I might attempt taking the brand new 523 bus today, I am not sure if I will, but I might.   The man at the bar is having a very common low-cost scotch.  

The man giving a press conference is not revealing that he has molested both young boys and college-age men.

I get a ton of criticism for not connecting the ideas in my poems into a cohesive whole, into a cohesive whole.  It is either these seemingly disconnected poems, or I could possibly get as drunk as John Berryman always was and then I could do an interview on British TV.

One of my favorite shows on British TV is this show:   “The Big Fat Quiz of Everything”  Here is their YouTube Channel:



Did he really just put the link to a computer page in the middle of a poem?  That is disgusting.  That is like having an opossum pee in my beer.

Please eat a banana.

You cannot say that Poet John Berryman was always drunk; he may have been drunk some of the time or even much of the time, but to say that he was drunk all of the time is unfair and most likely inaccurate.

Is frying a banana illegal in Monrovia?

The man throwing the fried banana in the trash on this Monrovian street has never told anyone that he molested both children and college-age men and college-age boys, and boys that were not yet men even though they were old enough to be men, even though Strawberry Jello Cups®.   …  .

Is that really Suze Orman right there in the 7-11® buying a Diet Dr. Pepper®?


OK, this really happened in real life: a British reporter used the phrase “there were a lot of raised eyebrows- … he said these words when he himself does not have any eyebrows – is he allowed to do that?

… regarding the banana that someone ate for breakfast, that person was also supposed to have eaten yet another breakfast, a larger traditional American breakfast, which they simply forgot to eat and therefore it is no wonder that person felt hungry and opened a thick can of soup.

What if you live with an illness, a disorder, that has not been diagnosed? 

“Well is it an illness or a disorder, please make up your mind. How can I help you if you cannot specify if this is an illness or a disorder?

… so then confused, I made some soup – but then I saw my breakfast sitting there on the table and the soup was already heating up in the microwave.

Why are you staying in the house on such a beautiful day?

Why do you have such an interest in television violence?

The local cockroaches are playing Texas Hold Em and the winner gets to sneak onto the third wooden shelf and drink your Yogi®  brand green tea.

…  I am too old to still be bothered by having been thrown down the stairs when I was 5 years old.  I am far too old to still be bothered by having been beaten with a baseball bat when I was 3 years old.  Can we please attempt to know which one is the movie and which one is real?  The roaches are flipping a coin for the privilege of drinking my green tea.

Marc Isaac Potter

Marc Isaac Potter (we/they/them) …  is a differently-abled writer living in the SF Bay Area. Marc’s interests include blogging by email and Zen. They have been published in Fiery Scribe Review, Feral: A Journal of Poetry and Art,  Poetic Sun Poetry, and Provenance Journal.   

Marc Isaac Potter (we/they/them) …does not have a dog named Wilbur

Twitter: @marcisaacpotter